Sunday, 20 January 2013

Watch Me Go.............x

Race for Life here we come....!

Guess what?.....Mummy has registered me, my sister Shreya and herself for the Race for Life this year on 1st June. 

Mum thinks she can finish the whole race.....I'm not at all sure she can.  It will be really embarrassing if she comes last!!!

I've always wanted to raise money for charity and this is my chance!!!!  Please come and run with us or support us at the finishing line. 

It would be good if you could SPONSOR us on our webpage below....we've got a long way to go to achieve our target.


p.s. I made a fab real hot chocolate with cream and marshmellows tonight.  Receipe and photos to follow.......


  1. Hi Mya, thats fantastic news on you all doing the Race for life. We will definitely sponsor all of you, though you better get Mummy training straight away!

    I am already on the train to work and it is freeeezing! Now if only i had a warming hot choc with marshmallows.... Mmmm. :-)
