Sunday, 12 May 2013

Design and Fashion.................................. x

Hey! So last year I got Topmodel set.  

Topmodel is where you design outfits for girls. I have lots of them.... its like my whole room is covered with Topmodel designs!!

My  mum's cousin who lives in Norway bought me my first set and since then I've got a few more. I love it!

I've designed some outfits especially for you and if you scroll down then you will see them!!!  



Guess what??
My sister just got into Watford Grammar school!
And if you want to know why I'm so happy is because I will be going  too.  Technically I won't have to do the test but my mum is going to make me do it!!!

more information about this at:

Sunday, 27 January 2013

where is the snow?........................x

I am so upset cos the snow in my garden has gone, but I bet yours has too!
I just wonder if it's going to snow again so we don't have to go to school!!!

Anyway I love the snow and I wish it snows today sometime (mainly so we don't have to go to school!)

Have a look at some snow pics on my sister's blog 


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Receipe for a Real Hot Chocolate drink....x

Yesterday, I went out side to play in the snow but when I came in a was frozen. So I made a real hot chocolate drink to warm me up!!

Do you know how to make one??? Well I thought not but if you want to learn scroll down and I will tell you!!!

                       How to make a real hot chocolate

(for one person)   

125ml milk
25ml water
25g milk chocolate
a few marshmallows

What you do:
1.  Grate or chop the chocolate as small as you can
2.  Put the chocolate and milk into a saucepan, and stir over a medium heat until the chocolate has dissolved
3. Pour the hot chocolate into pretty mugs and float the marshmallows on top. 

To make it look and taste even better, you can dust the finished drink with a little cocoa or drinking chocolate powder. 


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Watch Me Go.............x

Race for Life here we come....!

Guess what?.....Mummy has registered me, my sister Shreya and herself for the Race for Life this year on 1st June. 

Mum thinks she can finish the whole race.....I'm not at all sure she can.  It will be really embarrassing if she comes last!!!

I've always wanted to raise money for charity and this is my chance!!!!  Please come and run with us or support us at the finishing line. 

It would be good if you could SPONSOR us on our webpage below....we've got a long way to go to achieve our target.


p.s. I made a fab real hot chocolate with cream and marshmellows tonight.  Receipe and photos to follow.......

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Sledging in Snow!!!

Yesterday it snowed!!! It so AWESOME! It was if the world was covered in a white blanket.  School was closed...YES!

So whats the thing to do.....go sledging!!

I met my friends and we chose a really steep hill.  It was fab!  I went on the sledge with my friend a couple of times and we went down really fast.  I love the snow. 

Next job - build a snowman or should we make a snowdog this year?  I'd be grateful for your photos of your snow people or animals....hahaha!

I'll upload some photos of my fun in the snow over the next few this space!!!
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Me, Myself and I

My name is Mya and I am 8 years old.  I have lots of hobbies like cooking and playing piano.  My favourite colour is red.  I love hanging out with my friends. 

My blog is about my life, the things I love to do and the places I like to go.  Please follow me and join in my adventure....!!!